Dr Gaddipati Bala Koteswara Rao - Chairman

Born into an agricultural family of Repalle,A Mechanical Engineering by training, a successful Design Engineer by talent and an entrepreneur by inclination he took over Pragati Biodiversity Knowledge Park that spreads over 2500 acres. He brought to life the rich Bharatiya Rishi Sanskriti, and Vedic Living. Accordingly, Vanamulikalu and Avulu are the Prana Pradaatalu and Arogya Pradaatalu. Vruksho Rakshati Rakshitaha and Gow Samrakshana - only by protection of the sacred herbal, medicinal and aromatic plants and sacred heritage cows, humanity can counter the two threats of hunger and pollution. He strongly believes that, if we protect trees the trees will protect us, and aims to develop garden cities and create spaces free of bad bacteria, virus and mosquitoes. Taking his vision further he now cooperates with the renowned Millet Expert of India Dr K. Vali to promote Amrutha Ahaaram (Siridhanyaalu-Millets, Kashaayalu-Herbal Decoctions, Ganuga Nunelu-Wooden Cold Press Oils, and Thati bellam-Palm Jaggery). Based on the concept that “Food is the Medicine” It brings health, wealth, happiness and joy to every household in India.

Mr. Ajay Chandra - Managing Director

Grew up in an environment rooted in tradition and qualified as an Industrial Engineer MBA from Australia, son of Mr & Mrs Rao, believes the greatest differentiation isn't just the capacity to understand our traditions but simultaneously match the pace with the next gen. He is known to add innovative business strategies to all Pragati initiatives. His practical approach to business, and pragmatism in day-to-day operations helped to turn the business upheavals and financial tsunami tides to his favour.

Mrs. Gaddipati Venkata Kumari - Director

As said, On the left side of a strong woman, stands a strong man; he is strengthened by her character. Pragati’s icon for Bharatiya Sanskriti (Culture) and Sampradayalu (Traditions) GBK Rao’s wife, Mrs. G V Kumari has not only excelled in Financial Management while pursuing her post graduate in Commerce but she has also been an incessant support in setting up Pragati’s milestones. Her perfectionist bent of mind complements Mr Rao’s intelligence and passion in a beautiful synergy. She redefines the meaning of ‘Shakti’ in Pragati’s foundations. Her unparalleled Vedic knowledge, Hindu horoscopes, religious significance of Hindu rituals and farming practices devote to the philosophy of Pragati.

Mr. Meka Ramakrishna - Dir. Projects & Marketing

Overtures his matured leadership in the management of Pragati Resorts and Pragati Greenliving (Farmlands). With more than three decades of experience across business accounting, finance, sales & marketing, media and public relations, he brings to the group a highly capable and reliable network of customers, patrons and well-wishers. He takes complete responsibility for running the Group’s businesses effectively with focus on sacred vanams (vanamulikas) natural farming, cow rearing and other traditional ritualistic practices, which makes him a vibrant force at Pragati.


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